Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What do you do when it snows in Oklahoma?!!!!

This time it was a pretty bad storm!! In Stillwater we got about 10-11 inches, with snow drifts 3-5ft!!! Jason's work and my office have been closed the past 2 days so we have enjoyed our time with Jack.

On our first day being snowed in we had neighbors over for taco soup-----the next thing i know we are all outside with the 4-wheeler and snowboard.

First there was Jared pulling jason!!!

Poor jack was soooo cold!!! Jack was outside for a total of 5 minutes I think!!1

then crazy uncle jared gets pulled!!! This pic shows how cold it really was!!!

After being outside we came in and got warm, later on jason decided he wanted to make cupcakes!!! JACK HAD SO MUCH FUN!!!!

1 comment:

  1. OMG - I just saw these pictures...What a goob my brother is. I think cupcakes are a way better idea over four-wheel snowboarding! good lord jared.
